How is this site supported? Back
This site is offered at no charge to the Internet community and there are no plans to ever change this. Financial support to run Loom Knitting Help comes from Rebecca Novelli and contributions from individual members of the loom knitting community. The banner ads you see in the left sidebar are not sponsors. These are main loom & needle knitting organizations which offer high quality patterns and instruction. LKH would like to encourage all loom knitters to become familiar with them. Despite popular belief, very little money is made from the Google Ads and book referrals. Any that is made, though, goes back into the maintenance of the website. This website runs on a profit loss which is OK with Rebecca. This is her way of giving back to a supportive community and honoring those who came before.
If you are looking to purchase patters, please see the FAQ question Do you sell patterns?.Comments?' path='comment_Who_pays_for_Loom_Knitting_Help'>