P2tog & SSP and P2tog tbl & SSP tbl

On the knitting board, the p2tog and ssp (or p2tog tbl and ssp tbl) are paired together, one being done on the bottom rake and the other on the top or vice versa. This is done to ensure that the slant of the decrease is correct on each side of the fabric. A description and direction for each decrease is given below. The easiest way to set up the knitting board is to setup the stitches on the bottom rake and then turn the board and set it up the same way. So, work a P2tog stitch on the left bottom rake and a SSP stitch on the right bottom rake, turn the board and repeat. If you are using p tbl stitches, work a SSP tbl stitch on the left bottom rake and a P2tog tbl stitch on the right bottom rake.

Purl Two Together (P2tog) /
Purl Two Together through the back loop (P2tog tbl)

p2tog stitch

P2tog is a right slanting decrease stitch in which two stitches are purled together. P2tog tbl is a left slanting decrease stitch in which two stitches are purled together through the back loop. On the loom this means picking up one wrap, putting it on the peg on either side (depending on the stitch), wrapping the peg as you normally would and then knitting off. See the purl stitch and p tbl stitch if you are not sure how to purl.

This stitch is more common in needle knitting since loom knitting is all done on the RS.

Slip Slip Purl (SSP) /
Slip Slip Purl Through the Back Loop (SSP tbl)

The SSP stitch is a left-slanting decrease that mirrors the P2tog and is worked with the purl stitch. SSP tbl is a right slanting decrease stitch that mirrors the P2tog tbl and is worked with the P tbl stitch. To do an SSP or SSP tbl on the loom, you will need to pick up one wrap and hold it with your knitting tool, move the wrap from the peg on either side (depending on which stitch) to the empty peg and the replace the wrap being held on the knitting tool back onto the peg.

This stitch is more common in needle knitting since loom knitting is all done on the RS.

SSP tbl
P2tog tbl
Because a P2tog stitch is a right slanting decrease, it is worked on the left bottom and the right top rake. It should be matched with an SSP stitch on the opposite rake, same side.
  1. Move the wrap of the peg to the left on top of the peg you want to knit a P2tog stitch.

  2. Setup the knitting board if necessary for decreasing and set the the SSP stitch on the other rake.

  3. Wrap the knitting board for the purl stitch.

  4. Knit off.
Because an SSP stitch is a left slanting decrease, it is worked on the right bottom and the left top rake. It should be matched with a P2tog stitch on the opposite rake, same side.
  1. Pick up one loop and hold it on your knitting tool.

  2. Take the wrap off of the peg to the left and put it on the empty peg to the right.

  3. Put the wrap on your knitting tool back on the peg on top of the moved wrap.

  4. Setup the knitting board if necessary for decreasing and set the the P2tog stitch on the other rake.

  5. Wrap the knitting board for the purl stitch.

  6. Knit off.
Because a SSP tbl stitch is a right slanting decrease, it is worked on the left bottom and the right top rake. It should be matched with an P2tog tbl stitch on the opposite rake, same side.
  1. Pick up one loop and hold it on your knitting tool.

  2. Take the wrap off of the peg to the right and put it on the empty peg to the left.

  3. Put the wrap on your knitting tool back on the peg on top of the moved wrap.

  4. Setup the knitting board if necessary for decreasing and set the the P2tog tbl stitch on the other rake.

  5. Wrap the knitting board for the purl stitch.

  6. Knit off.
Because an P2tog tbl stitch is a left slanting decrease, it is worked on the left bottom and the right top rake. It should be matched with a SSP tbl stitch on the opposite rake, same side.
  1. Move the wrap of the peg to the right on top of the peg you want to knit a P2tog tbl stitch.

  2. Setup the knitting board if necessary for decreasing and set the the SSP tbl stitch on the other rake.

  3. Wrap the knitting board for the purl stitch.

  4. Knit off.